Landowner RIGHTS Workshop: What to Know When Approached by Oil Pipeline Company

Pilgrim Pipeline LLC is proposing to construct two new oil pipelines through New Jersey to carry volatile crude oil and refined petroleum products.  Right now they are seeking permission to access private property to conduct studies needed to put their permit applications together.

Have you been contacted by Pilgrim Pipeline or its land agents about use of your property for their oil pipeline project?  Is your property near an existing PSE&G or Spectra utility corridor? You need to KNOW YOU RIGHTS!

Join us for a Landowner Rights Workshop with Pipeline Safety Coalition’s Executive Director Lynda Farrell.  A Pennsylvania resident with three pipelines on her property, she has dealt with companies for years and can help you navigate this sometimes scary and overwhelming process.


Monday, December 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM

Library of the Chathams

214 Main St, Chatham, NJ 07928

This event is open to anyone who wants to learn about pipelines and how they impact our communities

The Pilgrim Pipeline is a dirty energy deal for New Jersey that would:

*threaten your health and safety

*construct two new oil pipelines close to homes

*impact dozens of municipalities and thousands of homes

*carry 200,000 barrels/day of volatile & corrosive Bakken Crude

*pose unacceptable risks of catastrophic spills & accidents

*pose the risk of deteriorating YOUR property values and your quality of life and environment

Need more reasons to be involved?

*Pipeline right of ways (ROW) limit your use of your land

*You will continue to pay taxes on your land even though the pipeline company has restricted your use of it with a ROW

*Money paid to landowners for ROW can be taken by your mortgage company

*Money paid to landowners for ROWs is taxable income

*A calculation of Potential Impact Radius (PIR), the area around the pipeline with the most significant potential for death and destruction if a spill occurs, is not discussed during easement negotiations.

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